Terms of Services

Terms of Service (updated December 2023)


All business conducted by Renton Group Pty Ltd (GENKI Families) is transacted subject to these terms.

These Terms of Service become effective when you, our client, engage one of our services, after having received a copy of this document and by payment of your non-refundable Registration Fee.



1.1 About GENKI Families

The GENKI Families programme is designed for Demi Pairs/ Au pairs who want to work and/or live with an Australian family while they also undertake full or part-time language studies or work in Perth. The program is open to female applicants over the age of 18 years old and we have recently opened our program to male applicants over the age of 18 years old who have some childcare experience.

GENKI Families is an introduction agency for Demi/Au Pairs and Perth Families.


1.2 Definitions

1.2.1 Demi Pairs are young people from overseas who live in with a family as a part-time Au Pair. They usually provide 18 hours of babysitting or childcare or general housekeeping in the family home in exchange for room and meals.

1.2.2  Au Pairs are young people from overseas who come over to Australia for 3 to 12 months to live with an Australian family and assist to take care of their children. They usually provide up to 30 hours of childcare in exchange for room, food and “pocket money” or an allowance.

  • Demi and Au Pairs are not qualified or experienced childcare providers. Training and coaching will be provided by GENKI Families and the host family.



2.1 In exchange for their agreed hours per week of service, Au Pairs and Demi Pairs will receive full board (3 meals a day, 7 days a week) and lodging in their own private room for the entire duration of their contract.

2.2 Ideally, the Demi/Au Pair should have access to his/her own bathroom, however this is not essential and it is acceptable for the Demi/Au Pair to share a bathroom with the children if necessary.

2.3 The Demi/Au Pair should have access to Wi-Fi (a television in the room is also an option) Please inform them of house usage.

2.4 It is desirable, but not essential that the Demi/Au Pair be provided with a mobile phone with limited credit (recommend pre-paid) to ensure he/she is contactable. Genki Families Demi Pairs and Au Pairs usually provide their own mobile phone.

2.5 It is desirable, but not essential the Demi/Au Pair have access to a vehicle.

2.6 Board and lodging and any other entitlements are to be provided to your Au/Demi Pair for the entire duration of their contract, including if and when the family travels and the Au/Demi Pair remains in the home.


    3.1 Demi Pairs can be expected to provide child care/general housekeeping services up to 18 hours per week. If your Demi/Au Pair is attending English school or other studies and are unable to obtain part-time employment they can agree to work additional hours, however an allowance must be paid for any and all hours worked outside of the agreed hours. This can flexible and may depend on each family’s requirements.

3.2 Au Pairs can be expected to provide child care/general housekeeping services up 30 hours a week.

3.3 Should your Demi/Au Pair be required to travel with your family you are required to cover all costs associated with her travel, including flights, accommodation, meals and entry fees to activities in which he/she is required to participate or attend.

3.4 Whilst travelling you can only expect your Demi/Au Pair to provide services to you for the number of hours agreed in your contract. Any hours provided outside of the contracted hours providing childcare will require payment whether it is leisurely or not. Your Demi/Au Pair is also entitlement to her own free time in accordance with her contract whilst travelling.

3.5 Demi/Au Pairs are not qualified to provide extended one-on-one care for children. If you require extended, sole charge care for your children (i.e. more than 8 hours at a time or for overnight stays) we recommend a family member or professional nanny service.


    4.1  Demi Pairs will provide service up to 18 hours per week in exchange for a room and meals.

4.1.1 A Demi Pair who works up to 25 hours per week will be expected to receive an allowance of $120 per week. Please bear in mind this is very little money to live off and your Demi Pair will more than likely seek part-time employment, which could affect his/her availability.

4.2 An Au Pair will provide up to 30 hours of child care or general housekeeping duties in exchange for room, board and $250 a week.

4.2.1  An Au Pair who works up to 40 hours will expect to receive anywhere between $250-320 per week.

4.3  There is the opportunity for the Au/Demi Pair to earn additional money by providing additional hours (more than the minimum weekly hours set in the contract) by babysitting or performing general household duties and the rate of payment is a minimum of $20 per hour. The rate will be negotiated at the time of the contract being prepared.

4.3.1  If additional babysitting is required, the rate of pay continues where the Demi/Au Pair is in sole charge of the care of the children, whether they are awake or asleep, therefore the time starts from the time you leave the home until such time as you return home.

4.4 You will be required to pay the allowance, pocket money or money for services rendered to your Demi/Au Pair by way of cash or electronic funds transfer on Friday each week.



5.1  Free time is absolutely essential to any arrangement. Your Demi-Au Pair is entitled to at least 1 -2 full days off per week (usually Saturday and Sunday), providing that he/she has completed her duty hours for the week. Flexibility with days/hours can be negotiated with families prior to your Demi/Au Pair commencing.

5.2 Free time is defined by the time in which the Demi/Au Pair has the freedom to do what he/she chooses and is free from the responsibility of the care of children or completion of household duties. If you are on holidays with your Demi/Au Pair, time spent engaging in activities with your children whether it be leisurely or otherwise, is not considered free time.



6.1  The length of stay will depend on the length of the Demi-pair/Au Pair’s visa and their enrolment period for studies. In most cases Demi Pairs join families for 3 months and Au Pair’s usually stay an average of 6 months. This is often agreed at the start of a contract. Please understand that most of our applicants prefer to start with a three month contract. Many however, will stay longer (be it an extra month or three months) and they will let the family know at least one month before the end of their contract. We do try to find a suitable replacement if one is required.

6.2 If you wish to negotiate a longer stay or extend your contract, please ring or email GENKI Families and confirm any changes to your Demi/Au Pair’s departure date and a new contract will be agreed and provided.



7.1 There should be a minimum of 25% child minding involved, unless otherwise agreed prior to the placement of an Au Pair or Demi Pair.

7.2 In addition to keeping their own room and bathroom clean, a list of household duties you can expect a Demi/Au Pair to perform are as follows:

  • general laundry (i.e. washing, hanging, folding, putting away)
  • vacuuming
  • washing floors
  • dusting
  • cleaning toilets and bathrooms
  • washing up after meals
  • loading/unloading the dishwasher

 7.3  General Child Care duties can include:

  • waking the children
  • assist with getting them dressed
  • give them breakfast/making school lunches
  • take them to school
  • collecting the children and bringing them home from school
  • give them their bath
  • prepare and serve the children’s dinner
  • get them ready for bed
  • If your Demi/Au Pair is required to perform school drop off/pick ups, his/her time starts from the time he/she wakes the children until such time as she returns home from dropping them off.
  • In some cases, they may be expected to help cook/prepare the evening meals. This will need to be requested at the time of registration.
  • Demi /Au Pairs can do babysitting over the weekends but must be given at least one week’s notice. If the babysitting job is outside of the set hours, the Demi Pair/Au Pair should be paid a minimum of $20 an hour extra.
  • It is compulsory that a written list of duties or a schedule be prepared by each family to eliminate any misunderstanding or confusion and this will form part of your contract. This can be shared and discussed with coordinator at the time of registration. All schedules must be emailed to GENKI Families.


  • It is the responsibility of the host family to provide a welcoming, clean, safe and enjoyable environment for the Demi/Au Pair.
  • Upon arrival of your Demi/Au Pair you will be required to sit down with him/her and discuss your house rules and expectations. Training is provided by GENKI Families however you will also be expected to provide training in your own home. This may take 2-3 weeks.
  • You will be required to sit down with your schedule and list of duties and explain how you like things to be done so that you both are clear about what his/her duties are, and the time you spend doing them.
  • Should any issues arise, you will be required to sit down and discuss any problems or issues with your Demi/Au Pair. If the issue reoccurs or you are not satisfied with the outcome, please contact our offices and we will assist.
  • All effort should be made to make your Demi Pair /Au Pair feel welcome. In most cases it is the first time out of their home country and families should be sensitive to this.
  • Families should make a weekly or fortnightly family meeting where you sit down with your Demi/Au Pair and discuss any issues or problems and ensure your Demi/Au Pair is happy and comfortable with her duties and responsibilities.
  • Demi/Au Pairs are not qualified and in most cases are not experienced childcare providers. They are also not professional cleaners.
  • We recommend Demi/Au Pairs for families with school-aged children or for families with younger children who need a helping hand. If you have younger children who require sole charge, regular or special needs care, we recommend a professional or qualified nanny.
  • The Demi/Au Pair becomes part of your family and is at no time is to be treated as “hired help”.
  • We encourage families to really consider all their options when considering a Demi/Au Pair. You are responsible for your Demi/Au Pair’s meals, accommodation and allowance. It should be a mutually beneficial relationship and your Demi/Au Pair should be treated with respect and kindness.
  • Be reminded that this is also a cultural experience for the Demi Pair or Au Pair. 
  • If there are any serious issues with your Au Pair or Demi Pair, families must communicate these by email or phone to GENKI Families immediately so problems can be resolved. Families are not allowed to ask Demi Pairs/Au Pairs to leave without notice (unless this has been discussed and approved by your GENKI Families Coordinator) Families must give a Final Warning Notice outlining the specific problems and a two week notice period if you wish to terminate your contract early. During this notice period the Demi Pair or Au Pair should be given the opportunity to improve on the specific problems outlined in the Final Warning Notice. 


  • The Demi Pair/Au Pair will have the highest respect for your family and will keep family matters confidential at all times. Should you require your Demi/Au Pair to sign a Confidentiality Contract, please provide this to our office and we will ensure this is signed and understood.


  • Communication is the key to success for a positive and enjoyable Demi Pair/Au Pair experience. English is their second language so speak slowly and clearly and do not assume they always understand you. GENKI Families are always available should you have any issues with communication.



11.1  If you are unable to provide your Demi/Au Pair with a vehicle, please ensure you have provided him/her with the most up to date bus/train/ferry timetable. You can phone Transperth on 13 62 13 and ask for them to be posted to you.


  • Take extra time and effort in preparing your application. Read your application forms through before beginning your responses. The best way to answer is honestly and sincerely.
  • A National Police Clearance must be provided for each person over the age of 18 years living in your home (either permanently or temporarily).
  • A one off, non-refundable registration fee of $150 is to be paid upon with your application. This payment registers your family with GENKI Families, provides a placement of a Demi Pair/Au Pair, training, interview, screening and transfer of your Demi/Au Pair to your door (if required).
  • A Placement Fee is also payable and is calculated at $32.50 per week for the term of your contract, i.e. a 3-month placement equals $390 plus GST, with the option to extend.
  • If your Au Pair/Demi Pair extends his/her stay, a further invoice will be issued.
  • The Placement Fee is to be paid 7 days prior to your Demi/Au Pair moving into your home or as agreed by GENKI Families when you register.
  • Failure to pay the Placement Fee will result in your services being terminated and your Demi/Au Pair will be placed with another family.
  • Payment plans can be arranged for families upon application/approval. Please contact our office if you are unable to pay the full placement fee up-front. Payment plans are offered at the discretion of our consultants and a small administration fee and security may be applied.
  • A late fee will be applied to late paying invoices.


  • To avoid your Demi/Au Pair being placed with another family, your intention of extending the contract with your Demi/Au Pair must be provided in writing at least 14 days prior to your contract ending.
  • A new invoice ($25 per week until the new end date) will be issued and will be required to be paid within 7 days of the issue date.
  • Should your Demi/Au Pair terminate his/her contract prior to the contract end date, the family will be issued a credit or refund for any monies paid in advance, unless the Au Pair is replaced.



14.1 All care and due diligence is taken prior to placing a Demi/Au Pair. If you are unhappy with the introduced Demi/Au Pair, you must notify GENKI Families in writing outlining the specific issues and reasons you wish to discontinue your placement.  This should be done within 14 days of the day in which your Demi/Au Pair arrives in your home.

14.2 Upon receiving your notice, Genki Families will conduct a full investigation. If your consultant feels your request is justified a replacement will be found at no further charge. If we feel we cannot assist you further, the placement fee will be reimbursed. 

14.3 If any of the terms or conditions of this document or your Demi/Au Pair ’s placement contract is breached including, but not limited to any monies outstanding at the time, the replacement guarantee will be null and void.

14.4 Should your Demi/Au Pair leave prior to her contract end due to personal reasons and all terms and conditions have been adhered to, a replacement will be found at no charge. Families will still be required to pay for the weeks the Demi/Au Pair has been in the family home.

14.5 If there is a time delay of your current Au Pair leaving and your new one arriving, any fees paid in advance to GENKI Families for this period will be credited towards the fees for your replacement.


  • Although all care and diligence is taken, GENKI Families and its representatives accept no responsibility or liability for any claim made by a family arising from an introduction to a Demi Pair /Au Pair Person including, but not limited to negligence, theft or gross misconduct.
  • It is the family’s decision to accept the introduced Demi/Au Pair into their home or to request alternative candidates should they feel the introduced candidate is not suitable.
  • GENKI Families do not offer any form of Workers Compensation, motor vehicle or liability insurance for Demi/Au Pairs. Should your Demi/Au Pair have an accident whilst in your home or vehicle, it is your responsibility to ensure you are adequately insured. GENKI Families Demi Pairs and Au Pairs come to Australia with travel and health insurance.



16.1 GENKI Families reserve the right to refuse or withdraw services from any family or client who does not comply with these Terms of Service, or in cases of abuse (verbal, physical or psychological) reported by a Demi/Au Pair, without notice and without refund.



17.1  All care and diligence will be taken to match you with the best possible Demi/Au Pair available.

  • We will notify you promptly if we are unable to fulfil the requirements of an assignment.
  • We will act as a communicator and translator to ensure both you and your Demi/Au Pair are on the same page as to what is expected.
  • We will conduct ourselves professionally, with the utmost honesty, reliability and integrity at all times.



18.1 To ensure they are placed with welcoming and suitable families.

18.2 To provide ongoing support and mediate with families and assist with language issues for the duration of their contract.


  • The Au Pair / Demi Pair is responsible for their travel, visa, and all associated insurance costs.
  • The host family is responsible to assist with the Working with Children Check (cost and application).
  • Fees vary for placements that are shorter than our usual 3 or 6 month contracts.
  • Please understand that most of our applicants prefer a three month (12 week) contract. If you wish for a 6 month contract you must state this on your application form and then discuss with GENKI Families.
  • We accept payment via Direct Bank Deposit or Paypal.
  • Additional weeks (once a 3 month/6 month contract has been fulfilled) will be charged at $25 per week.


Placement of Au Pair on a 3 month (12 weeks) Standard Contract:

  • Initial AUD$150 Registration Fee
  • Placement Fee of AUD$390 – Payable by the host family upon the selection of an Au Pair.
  • “Pocket Money”: Paid directly to the Au Pair. Minimum of AUD$250.00/week for up to 30 hours.
  • AUD$20/hour for any additional hours of in-home assistance.
  • Host families must provide the Au Pair with full board (own room plus 3 meals a day, 7 days a week for the full duration of placement)


Placement of Demi Pair on a 3 month (12 weeks) standard contract:

  • Initial AUD$150 Registration Fee
  • Placement Fee of AUD$390 – Payable by the host family upon the selection of a Demi Pair.
  • Demi Pair provides up to 18 hours of assistance in return for full board.
  • AUD$20/hour for any additional hours of in-home assistance.
  • Host families must provide the Demi Pair with full board (own room plus 3 meals a day, 7 days a week)



All invoices are to be paid within two weeks of arrival of the selected Au Pair/Demi Pair. Late invoices will incur a $50 admin fee.

In the event an Au Pair/Demi Pair cancels/doesn’t work out within the first 6 weeks of the contract, a refund of the placement fee (minus a $50 admin fee) will be issued (provided that we feel it has been an unsuitable match. We will not refund this fee if the family has not met the requirements outlined in the Terms of Service.


Please be aware in the event of a non-successful placement a non-refundable admin fee of $100 will apply. We will however, do our best to find a replacement as quickly as possible, free of charge.

All invoices include GST, therefore, please include this with your payment to avoid late fees/penalties being applied.